Salon 33 takes place in a private home. It has a Facebook page, but no website (as yet).
Facebook Messenger is the best way to contact Salon 33 if you do not have our direct email.
Your request to be added to our email list indicates that you understand and respect that Salon 33 gatherings are private gatherings, and not open to the general public.
You are cordially invited to bring guests when you attend. You may also tell your friends about an event, but only in a direct email to them.
Please DO NOT post the physical address of Salon 33 anywhere on the Internet, including on Facebook.
Once you start receiving invitations, you will be able to RSVP directly for a Salon 33 event. RSVPs are not required, but are very much appreciated as a way to gage attendance.
You may UNSUBSCRIBE your email address at any time by using the link at the bottom of each invitation.